Why? 'Cuz I'm Doug!

Friday, January 16, 2009

Finally some news I can comment on...

Get this... (from AP)

"OXON HILL, Md. – Giving in to the young-and-younger movement in college basketball recruiting, the NCAA has decreed that seventh-graders are officially classified as prospects. The organization voted Thursday to change the definition of a prospect from ninth grade to seventh grade – for men's basketball only – to nip a trend in which some college coaches were working at private, elite camps and clinics for seventh- and eighth-graders. The NCAA couldn't regulate those camps because those youngsters fell below the current cutoff. "It's a little scary only because – we talked about this – where does it stop?" said Joe D'Antonio, chairman of the 31-member Division I Legislative Council, which approved the change during a two-day meeting at the NCAA Convention. "The fact that we've got to this point is really just a sign of the times." Schools had expressed concern that the younger-age elite camps were giving participating coaches a recruiting advantage, pressuring other coaches to start their own camps. "The need to nip that in the bud was overwhelming," said Steve Mallonee, the NCAA's managing director of academic and membership affairs. While men's basketball is the only sport affected, D'Antonio said he could envision future discussions on lowering the limit for other sports, notably football."

I think Mr. D'Antonio said it perfectly, "...where does it stop?" This is friggin ridiculous. 7th Graders are now prospects? 7th grade? Hell, when I was in 7th grade I was nowhere close to thinking about college. I was a short, chubby kid that wasn't very good at any sports. Now, I'm a 6'2 chubby guy that thought he was pretty good at sports in high school (but in retrospect was probably only "average"). I mean, seriously, the chances that any given 7th grader is going to be the same type of athlete four years later is slim. The chubby kids (like me) get tall and skinny in high school and suddenly are able to whip some of the kids that were good in middle school. But that's not the most serious point. What I worry about the most is what this does to the kids. Unreal expectations is almost a given because of this. How many kids will get sucked into thinking they have a chance at a serious scholarship because they could dribble without tripping? And these coaches that are "recruiting" 7th graders are pathetic. Let the kids grow up at least A LITTLE before filling their heads with what will mostly turn out to be crap.

Saturday, January 03, 2009

Long lay-off

So, it's been a few years since I posted anything. My life has changed dramatically since I was posting on here. Well, my job changed. I'm working for the man now. No more construction industry (It was never really for me anyway). I travel quite a bit now. New and exciting (and not-so-exciting) places. Korea (yuck), Japan (nice), Hawaii (phenomenal) and hopefully Germany this year. Life is good for the most part.

But, to stick with the main theme of most of my blogs, I'm going to post one from my myspace account from a couple months ago. I think I'll start posting on here again. I'm sick of myspace.

So, the democratic national convention was last week. I read some of the articles written during it... here's a taste of the "headlines"...

"Striking the Right Note", "Defining Regular Americans", "Michelle Obama's Comfy Shoes", "Sorry, No Jonas Brothers", "Putting on Airs in Denver", "Obama Chooses Chicago Clothier", "Carter Warns Against Disunity", "The Convention: Redefining Change" (This one was about a new tactic the dems have... "throwing the bums out"), "DNC Trash Being Turned into Compost Outside Denver", and the best headline... "Freewhelin' at the Democratic National Convention: "What A Great Ride!""

Now it's time for the Republican National Convention. Has anyone read the headlines after just a couple days?

"Giuliani, other also-rans go to bat for McCain", "Palin mocks Obama; McCain claims nomination", "Attacks, praise stretch truth at GOP convention", "Noonan, Murphy trash Palin on hot mic: "It's over"", "McCain must embrace his party... and break with it", "GOP contradicts itself on Palin family", "McCain camp plays sexism card for Palin", "Father of Bristol Palin's baby to attend RNC", "McCain hugs Palin upon his arrival in Twin Cities" (HOLY CRAP! HE HUGGED HER???!!!! You know, Bill Clinton would have tried to put his dick in her...).

I'm so fucking sick of the COMPLETELY biased liberal media. I started paying attention to this a couple years ago at election time (right after the last presidential election). This is the worst I've even seen it. I mean, seriously, they actually wrote columns about Barack Obama's Wife's choice of clothing! And now they call Rudy Giuliani and others "also-rans", say Palin "mocks" Obama and talk about how the GOP's "attacks and praise stretch the truth". What? And the media isn't doing EXACTLY that? Pathetic. I'm disgusted. Really. But what can a person do? Nothing really. Just let them force feed their crap to the millions of Americans who don't see it for what it is. I can't say I'm a "supporter" of McCain. I don't dislike Barack Obama. I just don't like the liberal media. Let's try to be a LITTLE non-biased? Is that too much to ask?

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Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Things that annoy me...

1. Stupid Drivers - Is it me, or does anyone else get PISSED when you are trying to merge into traffic on a highway and there is one jackass coming up from behind. Just one. And that fucker simply will NOT get over one damn lane to let you merge? Who the hell taught these people how to drive? It's not that friggin hard. I mean, really, just veer a little to the left and, VOILA! You've just moved over one lane and you let someone merge onto the highway. And what's REALLY irritating is when these fuckers actually get mad at the person trying to merge... like the person merging has NO RIGHT to try and move into the lane they are driving in. Those people piss me off. And of course there are the idiots that simply MUST drive 5 mph UNDER the friggin speed limit. And, you just know at least 1/2 the time you run into one of these assholes, there's gonna be another one driving along beside him. So you're on a four lane highway, cruising along at a comfortable 3 to 4 mph over the speed limit (enough to be daring and breaking the law but not enough to really get in trouble for it) when you come up behind a whole shit-ton of cars... all stuck behind two fuckers driving 60 mph in a 65 zone. And, because they are assholes, neither one of them wants to give in and actually SPEED UP. They both keep cruising along... side-by-side... at 60 mph. Nobody can pass. Pretty soon, the line of cars behind these two jackasses is as long as the line to get into Paris Hilton's pants. And then, when God steps in and thumps one of these dummies in the head and creates a little space... you're 1/2 mile from where you needed to go and it's too late to get around them and give them dirty looks and maybe a finger (or two, depending on how irritated they made you).

2. Many, many airline passengers - I used to travel alot on business. Fly out of KC on Monday morning, fly home on Friday night. Every week for about 1 year I did that. I got to see the ugly passenger syndrome in all it's glory on many occassions. But, weary travellers aren't what bugs me. It's the dumb ones. Tired and homesick passengers have an excuse for being shitheads. Not that it's excusable, but hey, if someone DOES have the right to be an asshole, it's someone who's been on a plane for 6 hours and just wants to get home. The dumb ones. Those are the ones that get me. I was on this flight going to nowhere important from somewhere probably less important. A couple rows ahead of me was this guy... big friggin guy. Must have been 250 and all muscle. Just a big, muscle-bound man. Now, I'm 6'2 and 220 (ok, maybe 230 now... damn home cooking) so I'm not small by any stretch of the imagination. But this guy is bigger. So the plane lands and dude stands up and gets his bag from the overhead bin. Not a BIG bag (can't be if you want to carry it on) but a suitcase none-the-less. It has the little handle and the wheels on it. But still... not a big bag. So this 6' -something, 250ish guy proceeds to get his bag down from the overhead bin, extends the little handle thingy, sets the suitcase on the ground and tries to ROLL the suitcase down the aisle and off the plane. This wasn't one of those big jumbo planes either... it was Southwest Airlines (they of the backwards facing seats and the aisles only wide enough to slide sideways through). So he's trying to roll this stupid little fucking suitcase down this narrow fucking aisle, banging every other seat, tipping the suitcase over, slowing everyone down and in general pissing me off. Big lazy fucker couldn't even pick up the 10 lb bag and CARRY it down the aisle.

3. Fast food customers - I went to Subway the other day. The wife and kids wanted me to stop on the way home from work and pick up dinner. So, no biggie, it's right on my way home. I walk in and there's a couple people waiting in line, one worker on the phone and another worker in the back at a sink. So, I walk up to the counter and stand there patiently, not saying anything, just watching what's going on. Very quickly I realize that one worker has sliced a finger open and the other is on the phone with the boss trying to figure out what the hell to do. So the lady at the front of the line starts sighing and moaning and shuffling and mumbling. I'm just standing there, watching. The one worker gets off the phone and goes and talks to the other for a minute then comes back to help the customers. She's obviously a bit rattled... and the bitch at the front of the line just lays into her. Blah blah blah, what kind of service is this, blah blah blah, slow, incompetent people, blah. I seriously wanted to smack this bitch or at least tell her to shut the fuck up. So, the employee does a good job of apologizing, didn't even make an "excuse" about the cut finger, just said she was sorry. So the phone rings again... so the employee answers it, talks for a couple seconds then hangs up. The bitch at the front of the line goes off again... blah blah blah, you better change your gloves before you touch my food, blah blah blah. The employee says she will, but she's trying to get the sandwich out of the oven before it burns. So the lady gets pissy about that, it's already burned, she needs a new one... and this sandwich looked fine to me. Maybe a little BROWNish, but not burned anywhere. So, the lady gets done and leaves. I get up there and comment to the employee about how well she handled herself and that if it had been me, I'd have told the lady off. She thanked me and said she was tempted, but knew it wouldn't go over well so she held her tongue. I just couldn't believe anyone would be so rude to her. I mean, SOMEONE has to work at Subway. Why should they be treated like shit because they work there? Or anywhere for that matter? It just pisses me off.

4. People that correct other's grammar and pronunciation in a casual, public setting. I was out with friends one night in my younger days and we picked up these girls and went back to a buddies apartment. So, we're all just hanging out, talking, drinking (soda of course) and having a good time. Another friend calls and I get on the phone and begin with, "where are you AT?" Now, I know you don't end a sentence with a preposition... "where are you?" is the appropriate thing to say. You don't need to put the "at" on the end of the sentence. In fact, you shouldn't do it as it is grammatically incorrect. But I don't give a rats ass. I'm hanging out with friends, not in a business meeting. So this bitch of a girl that my buddy picked up starts in on me about sounding like an idiot. I tried to explain to her that, although it was, in fact, not the proper way to say what I said, that I didn't give two shits about it and she could stick a broom handle... well, I told her off. She stayed on it, telling me that if I wanted to sound like an idiot that I was doing a good job of it. So, I told her, "Ok, bitch, I may sound like an idiot, but you sound like an idiot for actually worrying about how I speak or what I say. Worry about yourself for a change and maybe... just maybe... someone would actually like you." Well, that went over about as well as could be expected and needless to say, my buddy didn't get laid that night.

5. Last but not least, Talkers. Now, not just any 'ol kind of "talker". I mean the kind that are talking just to hear themselves talk. The kind that simply CAN'T shut the fuck UP! I know this lady... very nice lady... a person that is good at heart. Really a good person. But, she talks all the fucking TIME! I'm a huge football fan. K-State and the Chiefs. Watching the games is like my religion. If this lady is there... she'll continue talking to me while I am obviously watching the game and COMPLETELY ignoring her. I won't comment to anything she says for at least 10 minutes and she'll still be going. It's like she lost her "off" button or something. I've seriously grabbed the remote, pointed it at her and pushed the mute button just to see if she'd get the hint. Didn't work. I've turned the TV up LOUD to drown her out and she'll still keep talking. I've avoided looking at her in any way for longer than 30 minutes and she'll still talk. It's almost amazing the perseverence she has. The sheer will to TALK. And let me tell ya, she talks about NOTHING of any interest to me. Mostly it's about her day at work or what she does at work, or who she talked to at work or blah blah blah... BLAH! Annoying.

Ok, I guess that's it for now. I know there are other things in this world that annoy the hell out of me, but I'd be writing forever if I covered them all.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Crazy World... To Say the Least

So, I've been a longtime member of a Yahoo group that we call "The Doormats". Around six years ago, I logged into Yahoo and got into their "College Pick-em" game. Yahoo has message boards that allow you to post comments that everyone can read. I was talking trash and posting about how other teams sucked and K-State was the best. A guy named Goofy (yahoo name obviously) asked me to join their private group. I joined up and have been a member ever since. We participate in numerous "fantasy" sports and it's been a lively, fun group since the beginning.

Five years ago, a guy that was in the group that we called "Noles" was in town on business and we posted back and forth about getting together for a beer. We agreed to meet and a designated watering hole and get drunk together. And that's exactly what we did. He was a damn nice guy. Not a freak or a crazy person... just another sports fan. I realized then that most everyone in that group would probably be just like Noles. Cool guys that love their sports and would be easy to be friends with.

The biggest character in the group has to be "Vols". He's a hoot. Not the brightest bulb in the box, but a fun loving guy. Recently, I've been playing online poker with him. Never met him, but he seems like a great person. So, I'm checking our Doormats fantasy football board and there is a post from Vols... but it's his wife. She posts, "hey guys this is Jo, Vols wife, he has had an accident and is in critical condition at the University of Tennessee hospital. He will not be on here posting for a long while or will not be putting his players in. I will inform you more later but please keep him in your prayers. Thank you."

Honestly, it was much like a gut punch. I was floored. I've never met this guy... but when I read that, I felt like a very close friend was hurt. In a way, he is a very close friend... maybe I just didn't realize it. So, myself and most of the rest of the group have been posting back and forth, sorting it out... and then his wife posts again... "I will keep u guys updated daily. as of this morning his coma has worsend, however the dr. says he will have his good days and bad as days go by. He had his 4th cat scan done this early morning, and i will not know the results until this afernoon. There is still beeding in and out of his brain. just alot of trauma and swelling to his head, we're waiting for all of this to subside, in cases like that ...this also takes time. Thanks guys".

Basically, here's what happened, as told to me by his wife... "I did talk to her, yes. I thought about the family and such trying to get in touch with her, but assumed most family would be there and aware of the situation already. So, to sum up the accident... Vols was leaving the UT game on Sat. night. Him and some friends had parked behind a frat house at the bottom of a hill. The frat guys were having a "tub race" (racing in big tubs down a very large and steep hill). Vols and friends at bottom of said hill, not knowing said race is going on. Vols gets nailed by a tub racer as the tub and it's occupant go flying down the hill and into the parking lot. Vols sees tub at last second and tries to jump out of the way. Tub clips him and flips him in the air and he lands head first on the concrete. Vols in shock, stops breathing, massive head and brain injuries. He is currently in a coma and in serious condition. This is one of those accidents... if nobody had been hurt or if he'd have just had been hit and gotten a broken leg or something... we'd all be giving him hell. As it is, you want to laugh at the stupidity of the accident and what led up to it, but because of the severity, it's just not funny. Amazing the stupid shit that can happen."

The Doormat Football League is a "pay" league. We all (14 of us) put in $25 and winner gets most of it, 2nd gets some. It was suggested we forfeit the money and donate it to the "Vols fund" for Vols and his wife. Most everyone jumped on board with this. Then, another member of the group bought a domain name and is creating a website... www.getwellvols.com. It will have a link to donate money to Vols and his family. That money will go to Goofy's account and he will send it on to Vols.

Basically, a group of people that have never met in person are coming together like a family to help one of our own.

Some examples:

Ok...by: Fenian's _Ballers
Oct 11 10:33am
We find the Fraternity that was Tub Racing and go beat the shit out of them..... That is some fucked up stuff..... I know the sentiment has been said in the past but I will reiterate..... For the last few years, about 4-5 somewhere around there, I have been in constant contact thorugh different leagues with all of you gerbil molesters...While my wife cannot understand what a DOORMAT is or why I keep coming to these rooms.... I do not have the guts to tell her it is to hear about Vols eatting roadkill stew, Deko bragging about Asian Titties or Goof and his psycho ex neighbor.... Bottom line, it is a release and I know that despite the differences, we could drink together without killing one another.... This has been a fucked up year, with Pill getting blown by Katrina, BKB losing his mother and now VOLS.....Makes you sit back and take stock in what we have. Jo, please remember that you and Brain are in all of our prayers and if there is anything that we can do from the various parts of the Country, please ASK! To the rest of you.....I do call you friends, dispearsed and scattered....but friends none the less.... There......Been meaning to say the for a while."

Just a Questionby: Fenian's _Ballers
Oct 11 10:48am
Anyone know what Fraternity was involved?? I ask because I am still involved with my fraternity, and if it was mine, phone calls can be made and have them help out in some way..... I do not know what but something??

Damn straight: that fraternity better be doing allby: MicroMart
Oct 11 10:49am
they can for the Neas family.

some of us may want to send moreby: bucanators
Oct 11 11:24am
I'd like to donate $50.. so maybe we can setup a seperate fund, either way we will do something.
I honestly have no idea who reads this blog... I doubt more than a couple people even know it exists... but if you come across this blog and read this post, take a minute to think. Maybe take a minute to help. Check out the website... donate a buck. I will be... the rest of the doormats will be... every little bit will help.

*UPDATE - 10/18/2005 @ 10:43 A.M. - After two weeks, Brian came out of the coma this morning. He is responding to voice commands (wiggle your fingers, raise your hand) and even gave his wife a hug. No verbal communication yet, but he is coming around. Most of last week was spent fighting Pnumonia (he had 104 temp. and had to be put under a cooling blanket to keep his body temp down) but they think they now have that under control. Everything is looking positive so far, keep the fingers crossed.

Friday, September 23, 2005

It's been awhile... Sad Day

You know, I didn't post anything for a couple weeks because... well... because I didn't have anything to say really. All the crazy shit going on down south really had me at a loss for words. I mean, who cares about Randy Moss and Terrell Owens and stupid decisions made by state officials when we have an entire city flooded and destroyed. Not too much seemed important. And, really, in the grand scheme of things, this Sad Day is the same. It doesn't much matter compared to all the other things going on. But, I'm sad. I'm upset. And even though there is crappy shit happening all over the U.S., I feel sorry for myself.

My dog died today. Lattimer was is his name. He was the biggest damn Rottweiler I'd ever seen. 165 lbs of dog. I'm 6'2 and when he was younger and trim and fit, he could stand on his back legs and put his front paws on my shoulders. Big friggin dog. But SOOOO loveable. Just the nicest brute you'd ever see. Not the brightest dog in the world.

He did this thing... One night, my dad was sitting out on the back patio, listening to a baseball game. Lattimer was out there with him, just laying around, being his typical good self. The light was shining from the kitchen through the window out to the patio. My dad had one foot up on his knee (kinda the man's version of crossing your legs) and was just moving his foot around a little. Lattimer happened to glance up and see the shadow of my Dad's foot dancing around on the ground. A dark spot moving around in a ray of light. Lattimer, all 150 lbs of him, jumped up and barked. My dad of course was startled. When you have a huge dog like that bark right in your ear for no reason, it's makes you jump a little. Then Lattimer POUNCED on the shadow. You know how cats will creep real slowly behind a string and then suddenly leap and pounce to get it? Imagine a 150 lb dog doing exactly that. Like an overgrown cat. Pounce. Bark. Pounce. Bark. Slobber... slobber everywhere. It drove him crazy. He HAD to get that shadow! He'd scratch at the concrete, nose right up to the ground, scratch some more, bark, chase the shadow. My dad thought it was hilarious. Of course, he showed me the "trick". And boy did I run with it. I even taught him the word "shadow". If you said that word out loud... Lattimer was looking all over the ground for a moving shadow. He wanted to get it. I'd take a broom on a sunny day and hold it up and make a shadow on the ground. Lattimer would see it and chase that shadow everywhere. I'd move it around, hide it, he'd get confused, i'd bring it back, he'd chase it some more... and of course slobber everywhere. So funny to see an enormous dog like that so crazy about chasing a little shadow.

But, even though he wasn't the smartest dog, he was something. About a year after I got him as a puppy of 6 weeks, he was pretty much full grown. I used to live in a college town and I'd take him to the bar I frequented. I'd take him on the slowest night... Sunday night. I'd walk in, the few people in there would love it. The bartender, Tom was his name, would always get a bowl of water for him. Lattimer would just sit with me at the bar or with a couple friends, always right by my side. Every once in awhile, I'd ask him if he was thirsty and get up and lead him to the water. He'd take a few drinks and then just look at me... as if to say, "we stayin or goin boss?"

One night, I brought him into the bar. Let me give you the layout of this place... it was tiny. Walk in the front door and 5 feet in front of you is the short side of the bar. Turn to the left and there was a walk way with some chairs. Go about 15 feet to the left and you'd hit the wall. Turn to the right and you'd have another 30 feet in front of you to the back wall. The bar was shaped mostly like an "L" with the front door at the bottom of the L. So, I walk in with Lattimer in tow. A couple people I knew were in there and they all said hi from their seats and a couple people got up and petted Lattimer. He nuzzled their hands and loved the attention. A guy and girl I'd never met were sitting at the bar on the long side. Lattimer hadn't seen them yet. The guy gets up and comes over and asks about the dog and asks if he can pet him. I say sure, he won't bite... and the guy bends down and holds out his hand. Lattimer sniffs him a sec, then nudges his hand... "yeah, you're ok... now pet me." So the girl gets up and starts to walk over. Lattimer lifts his head up and takes a step back. He looks at me, looks back at the girl still walking towards us. He turns and comes and stands right next to me, almost in front of me. Leaning on my legs. The girl comes around the corner of the bar and he rumbles. I don't know if you've ever heard a 165 lb dog growl... but it's not just a growl... it's a rumble. It's deep. The girl stopped in her tracks. I put my hand on his head, petted him and told him it was ok. She was ok. He just rumbled again. She started to put out her hand, he rumbled deeper, louder, a little flash of teeth. I was shocked. He didn't have an issue with any other women/girls he'd been around. He didn't have an issue with the GUY this particular girl was with. He just didn't like HER. I told her I was sorry, I don't know what's wrong with him. She kinda looks at him, he rumbles again, and she turns and goes back to her seat at the bar. Now, on all other times we'd been in this bar, he'd wander around, say hi to a few people, but mostly just sit near me. This time, he stood at the corner of that bar, and looked down the bar at that girl. If she got up for any reason, he'd rumble at her. If she looked at him... he'd rumble. Finally, more because I knew the girl was getting scared than because I was ready or wanted to go, I left. I told Lattimer it was time to go and he took one last look at the girl... wuffed... not a full on bark... just a wwwwuuuuffffff... and turned and walked out with me. I'd never seen him react that way to ANYONE before or since. No idea what it was about her... I never will know. But Lattimer didn't like her. I guess that was my que to stay away from her.

Lattimer used to sleep in my bed with me. Luckily, I had a decent size bed because I'm a fairly big guy and he's a friggin big dog. He was such a bed hog too! I swear, I'd wake up some nights and he would be all sprawled out on the bed, me sleeping on just the edge. I'd push him over, call him a bed hog and he'd just grunt at me... "Oh shut up and leave me a long... I'm sleepin". But when he was ready to get up... boy did I find out about it. He'd do the potty dance for just a few seconds. You know how dogs do it. Then he'd jump on the bed and stand over me. If I didn't get up then... he'd lay on my head. Yup. That damn dog would just plop right down on my head. He wouldn't move either. I'd be pushing him, telling him to get up... if he didn't think I was going to get up, he'd stay right there. And when I got out from under his 160 poundness, he'd have that cheezy dog grin going... you know the one. He KNEW what he was doing, the shit. He knew and he thought it was funny.

He'd been living with my mom and dad for several years. About 3 years after I got him, I went into the Air Force (long story, didn't last, was back home in two months). When I went, my Mom agreed to keep him for me. When I got back, I immediately found a job travelling all over the country. She agreed to keep on keeping him. Finally, after another 2 years and that job was over and I was at a job that kept me home, I was able to get a place that I could have him back. Basically, the answer my mom gave me when I went to get him back was, "Go to hell, he stays with me." Now, my mom is the sweetest woman in the world and she didn't actually say that to me, but she let it be known that Lattimer was staying with her and that was the end of the discussion. So, he was still my dog... but living with my Mom and Dad. He'd still look for me though. My old bedroom that I had, even after I was gone and not living there, he'd scratch at the door, just too look in and see if I was there. He missed me. But, honestly, I knew he'd be much happier out in the country with them. So, he'd been there for years. Slowly growing older... and fatter. He got so big at one point, the vet ORDERED my mom to put him on a diet. He slimmed down some, but was still a hefty dog. His back legs were starting to give out. He had aches and pains... especially after my kids were out there playing with him. He'd sleep most of the next day to recupperate from when the kids were there.

So... Lattimer died today. My Mom and Dad had him put to sleep. His stomach turned over on him and he was in alot of pain. I'm really sad that I didn't get to pet him one last time. Say goodbye to my dog. My big oaf. He loved it when I came to see "him". He'd be so happy and wag his butt (no tail, was snipped... but boy would his butt wag!). I wish I could have seen him do that one last time. At least if I could have given him a big bear hug (he loved those) and said, "goodbye Lat... I love you". Maybe he can still hear me. Well, he'll just have to wait for a few minutes because now I've made myself cry.

RIP Lattimer. I Love You.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Thank You Ben Stein... Thank You.

About the time of my last post, Ben Stein wrote an article that was much more eloquent than mine. Of course, he is a lawyer and a former presidential speech writer, so that kindof makes sense. So, giving all credit where credit is due... and because I couldn't have said it better myself... here is his article. (see http://www.spectator.org/dsp_article.asp?art_id=8693 for the original)

Special ReportGet Off His Back
(Updated)By Ben Stein
Published 9/2/2005 11:59:59 PM
***UPDATED: Sunday, Sept. 4, 2005, 2:13 p.m.***
A few truths, for those who have ears and eyes and care to know the truth:
1.) The hurricane that hit New Orleans and Mississippi and Alabama was an astonishing tragedy. The suffering and loss of life and peace of mind of the residents of those areas is acutely horrifying.
2.) George Bush did not cause the hurricane. Hurricanes have been happening for eons. George Bush did not create them or unleash this one.
3.) George Bush did not make this one worse than others. There have been far worse hurricanes than this before George Bush was born.
4.) There is no overwhelming evidence that global warming exists as a man-made phenomenon. There is no clear-cut evidence that global warming even exists. There is no clear evidence that if it does exist it makes hurricanes more powerful or makes them aim at cities with large numbers of poor people. If global warming is a real phenomenon, which it may well be, it started long before George Bush was inaugurated, and would not have been affected at all by the Kyoto treaty, considering that Kyoto does not cover the world's worst polluters -- China, India, and Brazil. In a word, George Bush had zero to do with causing this hurricane. To speculate otherwise is belief in sorcery.
5.) George Bush had nothing to do with the hurricane contingency plans for New Orleans. Those are drawn up by New Orleans and Louisiana. In any event, the plans were perfectly good: mandatory evacuation. It is in no way at all George Bush's fault that about 20 percent of New Orleans neglected to follow the plan. It is not his fault that many persons in New Orleans were too confused to realize how dangerous the hurricane would be. They were certainly warned. It's not George Bush's fault that there were sick people and old people and people without cars in New Orleans. His job description does not include making sure every adult in America has a car, is in good health, has good sense, and is mobile.
6.) George Bush did not cause gangsters to shoot at rescue helicopters taking people from rooftops, did not make gang bangers rape young girls in the Superdome, did not make looters steal hundreds of weapons, in short make New Orleans into a living hell.
7.) George Bush is the least racist President in mind and soul there has ever been and this is shown in his appointments over and over. To say otherwise is scandalously untrue.
8.) George Bush is rushing every bit of help he can to New Orleans and Mississippi and Alabama as soon as he can. He is not a magician. It takes time to organize huge convoys of food and now they are starting to arrive. That they get in at all considering the lawlessness of the city is a miracle of bravery and organization.
9.) There is not the slightest evidence at all that the war in Iraq has diminished the response of the government to the emergency. To say otherwise is pure slander.
10.) If the energy the news media puts into blaming Bush for an Act of God worsened by stupendous incompetence by the New Orleans city authorities and the malevolence of the criminals of the city were directed to helping the morale of the nation, we would all be a lot better off.
11.) New Orleans is a great city with many great people. It will recover and be greater than ever. Sticking pins into an effigy of George Bush that does not resemble him in the slightest will not speed the process by one day.
12.) The entire episode is a dramatic lesson in the breathtaking callousness of government officials at the ground level. Imagine if Hillary Clinton had gotten her way and they were in charge of your health care.God bless all of those dear people who are suffering so much, and God bless those helping them, starting with George Bush.
****UPDATE: Sunday, Sept. 4, 2005, 2:13 p.m.
More Mysteries of Katrina:
Why is it that the snipers who shot at emergency rescuers trying to save people in hospitals and shelters are never mentioned except in passing, and Mr. Bush, who is turning over heaven and earth to rescue the victims of the storm, is endlessly vilified?
What church does Rev. Al Sharpton belong to that believes in passing blame and singling out people by race for opprobrium and hate?
What special abilities does the media have for deciding how much blame goes to the federal government as opposed to the city government of New Orleans for the aftereffects of Katrina?
If able-bodied people refuse to obey a mandatory evacuation order for a city, have they not assumed the risk that ill effects will happen to them?
When the city government simply ignores its own sick and hospitalized and elderly people in its evacuation order, is Mr. Bush to blame for that?
Is there any problem in the world that is not Mr. Bush's fault, or have we reverted to a belief in a sort of witchcraft where we credit a mortal man with the ability to create terrifying storms and every other kind of ill wind?
Where did the idea come from that salvation comes from hatred and criticism and mockery instead of love and co-operation?

Friday, September 02, 2005

What has the US become?

I've been putting off posting for a week or so now. I just didn't have much to say, especially with the devastation in the Gulf. Many things take a back seat when catastrophe's like this occur. Sporting events are put on hold, news organizations take over prime-time TV. The world watches. That's why I'm embarrassed as hell.

You know, a few months ago when the Tsunami hit, the world watched in horror as the devastation piled up. Body counts soared and people were fighting for their lives. The world watched humans floating in flood waters right next to garbage and debris. And the world responded. Every effort was made by people around the world to help. And the people that were hit... the ones that survived... the lived on. They struggled and will continue to struggle to stay alive. They work with each other to fix what once was.

And then we have New Orleans. Thugs swim the flooded streets in packs, looting, pillaging, robbing and... who knows... murder? At least attempted. Jesse Jackson is on his way there, screaming racism. Bad words are flying, accusations are made. Several message boards I've seen have been full of *nigger* this and *nigger* that. This isn't about the color of anyone. The word "nigger" is a term I don't fully understand. I know it is a derogatory term used to describe blacks. I know it is used freely amongst the black community, but its more than taboo for white's to say. So, to me, "nigger" is merely a word that I have no real context for, other than to assume it is like calling someone an asshole. So to me, that word certainly doesn't apply to this situation. The people (be they white or black or latino or asian) causing the problems are, to put it simply, trash. They are scum. They are despicable human beings with no concept of right and wrong. The fact that the majority of the people committing these acts are black is only causing more problems.

And then we have the liberal assholes, holding these fuckers hands, coddling them, telling them they are just a product of their environments. They were brought up poor, no chance to get out. It's not their fault. BULLSHIT. My wife... she was brought up poor also. She had very little in life as she grew up. Her dad was an alcoholic, her mom to caught up in her own life to care about her kids. She had it rough. Just like these fuckers. But you know what? She made something of herself. She went to school, got an education, held down a job. What can't these people? Why can't they? No money? Student loans. I got one. My wife too. No opportunities? Bullshit. There are more and more scholarships offered for "non-whites" than ever before. They are simply lazy. They don't want to work. They don't want to go to school. They only want to leach off the populace in general. Again, this has nothing to do with race. I see plenty of whites and blacks doing this.

To top things off, now I'm reading about how this is Bush's fault. Yep. Blame the president that a hurricane hit. Blame the president that the CITY of New Orleans and the STATE of Louisiana were NOT prepared. Some will say, well President Bush cut federal spending to repair and replace old levies in and around New Orleans. I say New Orleans is a big enough city and has enough casinos and sports franchises to make enough money to fix their own damn levies. Those levies have been SINKING for years, along with the rest of the damn city. So they are pissed the government wasn't paying for them to fix their own levies around a city that was fucking built UNDER SEA LEVEL?

Look, I would never wish any of this destruction upon anyone. The fact is, it happened. There is NO BLAME. And, if there is blame, it is on the city itself for not being prepared. There were no trains, busses, planes, taxi's, car pools... anything... out of town for those that did not have the means. There was the state telling everyone... "hey, ya better get out, we're going to get hit by this hurricane. but, if you can't... well... screw ya. We don't have the time or the patience to help."

So it goes on. The looting, the muggings, the rape (now accounts of rape are coming out of New Orleans), the carjackings (really, stealing a bus from an old-folks home and kicking all the old people off the bus? really???? WHO would do that?)... all surrounded by one of the worst natural catastrophe's ever. It ALMOST feels like one of the seven signs of the apocolypse.

Really, not much else to say. I pray for those innocent people stranded in New Orleans and I pray the military wipes out those fuckheads that are screwing everything up.
